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Ratheniska National School

Partnering Children on their Developmental Journey

That’s a Wrap!  Blog #5 24-01-15


Well, we have come to the end of another enjoyable T.S.I Cycle – a cycle packed with fresh vocab, exciting characters and fascinating discussions. Both 5th and 6th Classes participated in this cycle and it proved to be action-packed!

As mentioned previously, after the last cycle we gathered plenty of student feedback about what worked well and what could be improved in T.S.I. Some changes included: giving each group a choice of books, using new role cards and changing the Predictor Role to the Strategist Role. These changes proved very popular.

“Loved the new role!” Jack Brown 6th

“My favourite role is the strategist one because I like the comprehension strategies they manage.” Cian Aird 6th

“This year I really enjoyed the role cards” Tom Cranny 6th

“I really enjoyed T.S.I this year as there was more reading and less writing” Óran McGuirk 6th

“My favourite part of T.S.I this year was picking our own book and having the choice to read aloud or silently” Kate O’Connor 6th

5th Class joined Team T.S.I this year, for the first time and judging by their response to how it went, it won’t be the last. They had lots to say abut T.S.I and what it meant to them. Jack Spillane explained that to him T.S.I means “reading great books with my friends.” Hollie Delaney agreed, “T.S.I means that we have a full 40 minutes reading with our friends, discussing what we liked about the book and having fun.”  Dara Phelan discussed how he loved reading in small groups of two or three, as this allows you to be confident. For Rohaim Shaikh, T.S.I means having a better understanding of a book. Meadbh Dunne said it best by saying “T.S.I means learning in a new, fun way.”

Ella, Tomás & Séan with our book selection

Ella, Tomás & Séan with our book selection

So to sum up, how has T.S.I  helped us? ” T.S.I helps me to learn new words that I can use in everyday language. It also helps me to be more fluent when I am reading out loud”, according to Anna Bowe.  Ryan McEvoy commented on how T.S.I has helped him to use comprehension strategies such as declunking, while reading. Eoin McWey said “T.S.I is a great way to blend group work and reading together. It also gives a sense of freedom because we get to lead our own groups instead of the teacher telling us exactly what to do.”

So once again T.S.I has been a roaring success.  We marked the end of this cycle by throwing a Popcorn Book Review Party!  Go Team T.S.I!

End of cycle T.S.I Popcorn party

End of cycle T.S.I Popcorn party

Popcorn Party!

Popcorn Party!