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Ratheniska National School

Partnering Children on their Developmental Journey

“Brock” – Blog #8 21-12-2015


New book choices get rave reviews!

Over the past few weeks me( Meadbh), Bobo and Kevin, have been reading a very interesting book called Brock.   When we read we compare our life to the characters in the book. The introduction of the book caught our attention straight away. Nicky was the main character of our book. He has a hard life because his brother has special needs and Nicky has trouble controlling him.  His dad is in trouble with the guards and his mother left when he was at a young age.  They are living in fear of their dad going to jail. They were accidentally involved in the death of an innocent animal and the boy’s lives change forever.

We enjoyed T.S.I because when we are judging a character in a book it is better with friends to help you understand the character more. The coding this year isn’t too hard or too easy. This book taught us to look at other peoples lives and not to take anything for granted. When our teacher recommended this book to us we were immediately drawn it. This book is a page turner, when the teacher calls time up we never want to stop. We recommended this book to ages between 11 and 14. You should definitely go read this book.

6th Class

6th Class T.S.I Warriors