T.S.I is “Cool”
Niamh, Óran and Josh chat about their TSI experiences.
“We’ve been doing TSI now for the past number of weeks. When Ms Dempsey calls out that we are about to do it, we’re glad because we enjoy it,” says Niamh. “The books are very good and we have a laugh sometimes about some of the words in them. For example, in the book we’re reading right now – Cool by Michael Morpurgo – there’s this doctor in it and a boy in the hospital who’s unconscious. The boy calls the doctor ‘Dr Smelly Breath’ and we laugh every time at that!” “Especially when we read it aloud,” adds Josh.
“There are some sad bits too, though,” points out Óran. “In chapter five there’s lots of talk about turning off the life support machine. Robbie, the boy, can hear all this.” “There’s lots of misunderstandings too,” explains Josh. “Robbie’s parents are saying ‘You tell him’, ‘No, you tell him’. Robbie thinks they are talking about turning off the machine, but it’s actually that they are back together again as a couple.”
“You really want to tell Robbie not to worry because it’s all ok and to kind of be in the story yourself! Also, it’s full of suspense because we don’t know everything that’s going on either,” Niamh explains. “This is our fourth Morpurgo book and I think he’s a great writer. Sometimes he can be really funny and sometimes really sad,” says Óran. “He keeps me on the edge of my seat always.”“I love him too. I got Farm Boy and Born to Run off Santa and I loved them. I’d read Farm Boy again,”says Niamh.
“So stay Cool!” laughs Óran, “as Robbie in the book always says.”
“Now let’s get back to it again,” says Josh.
“Can’t wait!” says Niamh.