The most recent Board of Management report can be found here.
Máirt na hInide
RatheniskaMáirt na hInine, Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Tuesday? – whatever you call it, it was all about the pancakes in all classes today. Batter was made, pancakes were flipped, toppings were chosen and fingers were licked – a great day all round!
Safer Internet Day 2023
RatheniskaWe celebrated Safer Internet Day on Tuesday February 7th. Kate from Riomhaire Tech took 3rd to 6th classes through many aspects of inernet safety including the positives and potential negatives of the internet, our digital footprint and cyberbullying. The boys and girls from Junior Infants to 2nd Class also had discussions about what the internet means, how we can use it, screentime and the need for adult supervision.
Where in the World?
RatheniskaFlags, famous buildings and famous people were the focus of projects completed by Rang 2 last week. As we each decided on a country, we learned many facts about the origin of the national flag, we learned about artists, sports people, leaders and much more. We were very proud of ourselves as we presented our findings to our classmates.