Thank you to all our students for contributing their beautiful artwork to our website.

Ratheniska National School

Partnering Children on their Developmental Journey

Time for Lemonade!


First Class have been learning working with money during their maths classes in the last  few weeks. They are working out how to give change and they decided to sell some lemonade to some of the younger classes. They set up their lemonade stands, organised their money floats and set to work. The lemonade was delicious!

Getting Handy at Hockey!


The boys and girls from 3rd to 6th have been getting to grips with the game of hockey . We have been very lucky to have Emmet Hughes from Hockey Ireland in school to  introduce them to the basics of the game for the last month.

Welcoming the Bees and Butterflies!


We got working on our “Bee Boxes” in the last few weeks as Juniors planted some bee and butterfly friendly plants. Rang 1 then worked with 6th Class to paint the boxes and we all think they look great!