In 2nd class our topic of the week was native Irish trees. We learned how to recognise some trees by their leaves and at the end of the week we assessed how much we knew by taking part in our very first Kahoot quiz.
The Tree of Life
RatheniskaFourth Class have been studying the Celts this month. We learned lots about their way of life but what interested us most was The Tree of Life. We learned that the Tree of Life possessed special powers. When the Celts cleared an area to settle in, they would leave a single tree in the centre which became known as the Tree of Life. The tree provided food, warmth and shelter and was also used as a meeting place .
Na Baill Beatha i Rang 3
RatheniskaRang 3 ended their week revising the Baill Beatha by doing some artwork. They worked in groups, created a life-sized “buachaill” and practised spelling all the body parts “as Gaeilge” before displaying their finished product at the end of their classroom!
Hot and Cold!
RatheniskaIn 5th Class we were exploring colour during our Visual Arts Class last Friday. We discussed the differences between hot and cold colours and set about creating some artwork to reflect what we had learned.
Junior Infants 2017
RatheniskaWe are delighted to welcome 27 eager little boys and girls to Junior Infants this year. They have already taken ownership of their new environment and are enjoying making new acquaintances and friends. We wish them well as they progress through the school.
Soil Matters!
RatheniskaIn 2nd Class, we began our scientific work of the year by mixing soil and water. We predicted that we would surely end up with just “muck” in our containers. Imagine our surprise when we discovered that the soil and water separated, bubbles were produced and objects such as roots and twigs that were in the soil floated to the top. It certainly made us think!
Bubbles in 3rd!
RatheniskaRang a Trí got off to a very scientific school year this week. We researched how we could make bubbles and how big we could make them. We mixed water and washing up liquid and each group set about using various implements to make the best bubbles. We examined the colours we could see, the strength of the bubbles and how we could improve them. We learned lots and had fun at the same time!
Fáilte Romhaibh ar ais!
RatheniskaA new school year has begun in Ratheniska and we arrived on Wednesday morning to see that the builders had moved in during the holidays to build another classroom for us. Although our playground space has been curtailed a little , we were all delighted to meet our friends and get back to the routine of the school day. We look forward to a great year ahead.