Thank you to all our students for contributing their beautiful artwork to our website.

Ratheniska National School

Partnering Children on their Developmental Journey



We would like to wish a fond farewell to all the boys and girls in 6th Class who are setting out on their journey to Secondary School. We wish them well and hope they have many good memories of their first eight years of education! We would also like to extend our good wishes to Danny from Junior Infants, Robyn from 2nd Class and Luke from 4th Class who are heading off to other schools.

We hope everyone has a happy and safe Summer Holidays and we look forward to our new school year which starts on August 29th.



C’mon Laois!


The Parents’ Association organised a raffle during the last few days of the school year. The prize was a signed Laois jersey kindly donated by Laois Football manager, Mick Lillis. The lucky winner was Mairéad from 5th Class who was so delighted with her win that she donned the jersey straight away. Thank you to all who supported the raffle.

Laois Jersey

Farewell to 6th Class


As this year’s 6th Class prepare to leave Ratheniska, we presented them with a hoodie as a momento of their years here. Our thoughts are expressed in the following verses.

To follow your heart and intuition,

That should be your number one mission.

Listen to your inner voice.

Live your life through your choice.

The point is to love what you are doing.

Your deep passions you should be pursuing.

Every moment, live excited.

Every morning, be delighted.

Always look forward to what is ahead,

Your thoughts and wisdom gratefully spread.

Live life to the fullest-it’s up to you.

Look in the mirror -always be true to yourself.

2016 Hoodies


Sports Day 2016


Our annual Sports Day was a great  success this year. We had waited day by day for the sun to come out and when it finally did, we ran, jumped, fell and ate ice cream!

Class to 3K 2016


Following many weeks of training, 4th, 5th and 6th classes went to Emo Court last week to run the 3k that they had worked so hard for. They started their warm up with a Zumba workout under the guidance of Suzanne Toumi. Then, they set off and were spurred on by the messages of encouragement set out for them along the route. Each and everyone made it to the balloon arch at the finish line and were rewarded by an engraved sweatshirt which was kindly sponsored by the Board of Management. After having their picnic, they were given a surprise tour of Emo House. Thanks to Ms Dunne, Ms Stapleton, Ms Sugrue, Ms Dempsey and Mr Conway and, of course, themselves,  they are now a fitter and healthier group and are an inspiration to us all. Click here to see some of the action!

Class to 3K 2016

Creative Kids


During Term 3 , we continued to enjoy our Visual Arts classes. We let our imagination flow and with the encouragement of our teachers, we created some masterpieces! Click here or go the Gallery page  to see some samples of our work.


Fun at ULAC


3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Classes went to the University of Limerick  Adventure Centre recently for an action packed day of  land and water activities. From  10 am to 4pm we were kept extremely busy by the instructors who looked after us so well. We got the chance to take part in activities that some of us would not ordinarily do and we all agreed at the end of the day that we would love to return at a future date.


The Very Hungry Caterpillars!


In Senior Infants, this term we have been learning about the life cycle of the butterfly. We were even lucky enough to see the life cycle for ourselves, from a tiny caterpillar all the way to a beautiful butterfly all in the comfort of our own classroom. We saw the caterpillars grow and change daily before making their cocoons and eventually changing into butterflies after a total of 7 weeks! Once the butterflies were fully developed, we set them free to begin the life cycle all over again.


Cakes, Cakes and more Cakes!


Thank you to everybody for supporting our recent Cake Sale

  • to all the parents who baked and supported
  • to 5th and 6th Classes who helped selling the cakes
  • to the parents who organised the set up of the stands and sunshades
  • to all the boys and girls who spent their money to support the sale
  • to the people from the local community who dropped in also to support us

We raised a whopping €1,900 so, definitely, a very successful venture.,

We also had some preowned uniforms for sale. We intend to run the sale of these uniforms again before the end of term.

CAke Sale-002


Sweet Treats


Our Mams and Dads baked and we bought and ate hundreds of cake slices, Krispie buns, Chocolate squares and much more at the Cake Sale organised by the Parents’ Association . Head on over to the Parents’ Association page for more details.
