Thank you to all our students for contributing their beautiful artwork to our website.

Ratheniska National School

Partnering Children on their Developmental Journey

Sports Day


We had great fun at our Sports Day today. All thoughts of Gaeilge, Maths, Reading, Writing  and other “boring” subjects were banished as we sprinted, raced, jumped and even stumbled over the finish line. At the end of a perfect day we were even treated to an ice-cream!

Sports Day 2013 (10)_opt Sports Day 2013 (2)_opt Sports Day 2013 (5)_opt Sports Day 2013 (14)_opt


All Grown Up!


Today, Sixth Class enjoyed their final Sports Day in Ratheniska and look how far they’ve come. If you click on the gallery section, you’ll see how much they’ve grown…the smiles remain the same.

All Grown Up!

Daisy Chains!


Junior Infants had great fun picking daisies and buttercups and making daisy chains with the help of 6th Class. A great way to spend an hour on a lovely Summer’s day!Daisy Chains (4)_opt

Our Big Buddies!


As the days in Ratheniska are drawing to a close for the boys and girls of 6th Class, the Junior Infants took the opportunity to have a leisurely chat with them in the G.A.A. pitch. We wonder what they talked about and what tips they gave to the little ones!Daisy Chains (5)_opt

Mona Lisa Masterpiece!


Sixth Class have produced many interesting and creative pieces of art this year but their Mona Lisa is something special! Each student was given a small section of Da Vinci’s portrait to re-create. They concentrated carefully to blend and match the different tones of colours in their section. It is a unique piece that shows what patience and great teamwork can achieve!

Mona Lisa

Famine Ships


Recently, Fifth Class have been learning all about The Great Famine. As part of this topic, they constructed their own famine ships, in small groups. We had great fun designing and then building our models. Congratulations to all on the great teamwork and creativity shown throughout this project!

Famine Ships

Teddy Bear’s Picnic


If you went down to our school today,

You’d be sure of a big surprise,

Cos every bear that ever there was,

Was gathered there together because –

Today was the day the Teddy Bears had their picnic!

(with Juniors and Seniors!)

Teddy Bears Picnic (12)_opt